How to Say the Rosary

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Season Of Advent - Part 2 of 3: Our Advent Guides

The Liturgical readings point to us three great personalities who can direct us in making ourselves worthy of Jesus' coming. By word and by example they give us tips on how to through our spiritual preparations.

1. The Prophet Isaiah

When King Uzziah died in 742 B.C., God ordered Isaiah to go around Judah as His prophet. He was reluctant at first because he was just 20 years old and he thought he couldn't be a prophet.

The book of Isaiah gives us the marvelous plan of Yahweh, i.e., that the lord will come to save His people. The one to bring about this salvation will be an anointed king of the family of David, the Messiah, or the Emmanuel born of a woman and given as a sign of salvation to Ahaz. And to be ready for the coming of the great day, the people must be animated with great longing and active preparations. By the way, it might interest you to know that Isaiah lived in Jerusalem, was married and had two sons.

2. John The Baptist

JB was the central person in the first Advent. He was waiting for the Savior and called people to repentance and new life because the new age is bout to begin. He lived a life of utter simplicity in the wilderness and fearlessly confronted the leaders who, instead of setting good examples, led others away with their sinful ways.

"I baptize you with water, but He who will come after me shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire."

As our guide this Advent, JB reminds us to think of our own baptism and thus our status as Christians or children of God.

3. Mary

Mary is the personification of Advent. She was waiting for the Lord and prepared the way for His coming with her whole person--body, mind, heart and soul. It was in her womb that the Messiah chose to dwell for nine long months, joining in his divinity, our human nature. She brought the Son of God as Good News to others before He was born (Lk 1:39). This Advent, Mary imparts to us faith and trust in the plan of God, submission to His word and hope of salvation from God and not from anyone or anything else.

"May it be done to me according to your word."

Source: Gospel - Comm. Foundation for Asia

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